Written by Dallea Caldwell

With each passing year I find myself more relieved over the lack of man vs. cyborg wars, zombie outbreaks, and post-apocalyptic societies where an endangered humanity enters the twilight of its existence.
On the other hand, I am perfectly despondent over the lack of genetic enhancement options, intergalactic travel, alien encounters, and flying cars.
But, 2014 is a shiny new year ripe with unimaginable possibility. Still, if history tells us anything, 2014 is bound to be yet another year of some-or-other earth-shattering breakthrough as well as yet another year of some sort of heartbreaking disaster somewhere.
It’s just the nature of a year: a lot of things can happen in 365 days, and Murphy’s Law is never…ever repealed.
So, there are only 3 things you can do in the face of such boundless uncertainty:
PLAN: Get serious about your New Year’s resolutions. Decide what you want to accomplish for yourself and your family in 2014, and build a plan to get you there.
And, do more than set it and forget it: hold yourself accountable. Inform your support system about your goals. Let them in on your progress. Let them help in any way. Make yourself a promise, and don’t let yourself down.
PREPARE: As they say, you can plan a pretty picnic, but you can’t predict the weather. Incidentally, when it comes to financial goals, the truism certainly rings truest.
Luckily, that’s why rain-dates, alternate locations, and pavilions (or their financial planning equivalent) exist. Being prepared can mean the difference between a setback and a life-disrupting wrecking ball.
Sometimes choices like…
> Weatherizing and well-insuring your home against the kind of crazy weather patterns we’ve increasingly seen over the years
> Handling needed home and car repairs before they further endanger your safety and your wallet
> Living a healthy and active lifestyle to potentially reduce future healthcare costs
…can become cases where preparation meets prevention. Of course, many of these choices alone require financial planning.
Which brings me to another point. How could you possibly be serious about a new year’s resolution to save money if you haven’t gotten an early start on filing your taxes?
If your taxes owed become an unforeseen expense midway through the year, then you, my friend, lack foresight. Get your house in order. Get an accountant.
PERFORM: What better time than a fresh new year to get serious about your goals? Well…how about now? What can you do…today…to take you one step closer to your goals? Why not skip dessert today instead of Thursday, or find an accountant today instead of 3 months from now?
Why not make this — the first day of the rest of your life — a bigger event than a Puff Daddy NYE bash smack dab in the middle of Times Square. You’d be surprised how many simple opportunities pass you by with each passing second.
Take the 30 Day Plank Challenge, for example. To participate, all you have to do is assume the plank position for 20 seconds. You can even join the movement today on Facebook before the 20 seconds are even over.
As the saying doesn’t go, you can’t have a pretty picnic, without preparing the meal. So, snap to it!
Here’s TalkLocal wishing you the persistence to make 2014 a very happy, healthy, and productive New Year.
Click here to preview and download your Resolution Solution Pledge, and hold yourself accountable to making your dreams come true this coming year.