4 Tried-and-True Summer Promotion Ideas

Sunday, May 24th, 2015


Millions of people across America are putting away their winter coats and unpacking their shorts and T-shirts. For small business owners, the coming of summer isn’t just a moral pick-me-up; it presents an opportunity to cash in on the change of season with contextual marketing. Below are four small business-friendly summer promotion ideas that could give your business a seasonal boost.

Outdoor Signage

One cheap and easy way to increase your visibility in the summer is to take advantage of increased pedestrian activity with outdoor signs advertising your business. Make sure your signage is well-placed (near a high-traffic area) and attention-grabbing (with a pleasing design or a short joke). Even a chalkboard on the sidewalk can prove lucrative to your business while also adding a homey, inviting aesthetic.


For a small business owner, “giveaway” is a misnomer. The money you spend hosting one is more of a marketing investment. Find vacation-friendly luxury products, such as a pair of designer sunglasses or a tablet, and sell tickets – or just exchange them for “likes” on social media. The buzz and customers you’ll attract will easily pay for the cost of the prizes.

Branded Summer Promotional Items

If you can put your logo on something cheap and useful during the summer months to sell or distribute, you can strengthen your brand and promote customer loyalty. Good examples of promotional knick-knacks for summer include hats, towels, and bumper stickers.

“Staycation” Campaign

This one can work with any of the above three strategies, or any other marketing medium. Amid the economic turbulence of the past decade, taking an inexpensive summer pseudo-vacation in one’s own town has become extremely popular. Small businesses can take advantage by running seasonal specials or advertising to target “vacationers” who live nearby.

Summer is sometimes associated with a slump for small business sales, but it doesn’t have to be. With some seasonally smart marketing, you can capitalize on people’s summer consumer habits, and thus turn the rising temperatures into rising profits for your business.



3 Ways to Show Your Gratitude This Memorial Day

Thursday, May 21st, 2015


This Monday is our chance to say thank you to the men and women who paid the ultimate price defending our country. Traditions of how to observe Memorial Day vary widely; some people go to the beach while others go to church. No matter what your plans are for the 25th, here are three ways to pay your respects to our fallen heroes.

Fly the Flag

Raising up Old Glory is a great way to show your respect for our lost soldiers – provided that your flag is maintained properly. As with all aspects of the American flag, there are rules for cleaning, storage, and presentation. If your flag is especially old or valuable (a family heirloom, for example), you may want to consider taking it to a cleaner for the best possible care.

Wear Flowers, Or Leave Some

The association of red poppies with Memorial Day comes from a 100-year-old poem, “In Flanders Fields.” There are two popular rituals involving flowers for the holiday. Some people wear a poppy, while others leave some on the grave of a loved one who served in the military. If you were not close to any deceased soldiers, you can still pay your respects at a military cemetery. Either way, it’s a good idea to get in touch with a florist.

Host a Community Gathering

One way to show your gratitude is to spend the day appreciating the communities that our soldiers gave their lives defending. Now that summer weather has arrived, a neighborhood cookout or block party is a promising idea. If you plan to observe Memorial Day this way, you may want to contact caterers, tenters, or other event-planning professionals for help.

As you can see, there are a multitude of ways to thank our servicemen and women who didn’t make it home. Many of these traditions are made easier with a call to a local service professional. To get in touch with cleaners, florists, and event planners near you for this memorial day, try TalkLocal.

5 Customer Service Mistakes Your Business Might Be Making

Sunday, May 17th, 2015


Is customer service a priority for your business? For many, it isn’t; the average business loses a fifth of its customers annually by neglecting its relationships with them. In the end, your retention rate is heavily influenced by the quality of service you offer to your customers. Below are five common customer service mistakes that might be eating away at your bottom line.

Being Unprepared or Disengaged with Staff

Customer service starts between you and your employees. Before you even begin customer service training, make sure you’re respectful to them, as their relationship with you tends to be reflected in their relationship with the customer. Also ensure that everyone in your office gets some training. On a busy day, you never know who might be conscripted to handle a call.

Trying to Win an Argument Against a Customer

Arguing with a customer is the most labor-intensive way to lose business; agreeing saves time and money. What’s more, when employee egos clash with customers, things sometimes spiral out of control. Promoting a “customer is always right” culture (and some basic anger/stress management techniques) can safeguard your business against employee-customer standoffs, and the negative buzz that comes with them.

Using Jargon

Nobody likes being made to feel stupid, and speaking in industry language that a customer won’t understand does exactly that. Make a habit of discussing your product in layman’s terms— no advanced technical or business vocabulary.

Relying on Automated Customer Support

It doesn’t matter how comprehensive your FAQ page is; some customers just want to talk to a person, and your business should be ready and willing to help those customers. If a caller has a question that’s answered on your website, the proper recourse is to respectfully answer the question, then explain where the information can be found for future reference. Once again, this is a matter of investing in not making the customer feel stupid.

Being a Stickler for Company Policy

“If I did this for you, I’d have to do it for everyone.” This is the sound of losing a customer, and it’s easy to see why; it implies “you’re not special enough to us for this kind of help.” Making sensible exceptions is a cornerstone of excellent customer service. So, make sure that you and your employees understand that your policies don’t supersede common decency. Just as blindly sticking to policy can be insulting to customers, while bending it for them will often leave them grateful enough to leave a good review or tell their friends.

Any businessperson knows how hard it is to find new customers, so why skimp on keeping the old ones? Ensuring that your customer service personnel are well-prepared and have a good attitude could be a bigger boon for your revenue than the best marketing campaign. What has your business experience taught you about customer service?

5 Convenient Staycation Tips for This Summer

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015


Your area may not have a nice stock photo beach like this one, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had near you. The “staycation” is taking America by storm as people save time and money by planning their dream trip for this summer… without the trip. Below are five staycation tips that’ll help you enjoy a getaway to your own backyard.

Plan With Your Family

To get your family (especially children) invested in the idea of a staycation, it’s convenient to bring them in to the planning process. Since you have some familiarity with your own area, it’s easy to fill a staycation itinerary with a variety of activities in order to engage everyone.

Take Cues from the Tourists

Just as hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers never visit the Statue of Liberty, there is probably a world-famous (or at least nationally-famous) attraction in your area that you’ve never seen. A staycation provides an opportunity to be a tourist in your own town– grab your favorite Hawaiian shirt and guidebook, then go mimic the photo-junkies from elsewhere.

Treat Yourself

You are already making a very financially responsible decision by foregoing travel for vacation. It’s important to give yourself a pat on the back for your frugality, and to not let it get obsessive. Staycations provide a perfect excuse to splurge on a five-star restaurant, a spa day, a pool/athletic club membership, etc. You don’t have to be in a resort town to pamper yourself.

Use Local Search Apps

Sticking around in the summer gives you the opportunity to explore your area more. With the advent of local search technology, finding previously-unknown restaurants, attractions, and businesses near you is as easy as opening an app. The most useful of these apps include Yelp, Google Maps, and (shameless plug) TalkLocal.

Get Vacation-Quality Service

Some hardcore staycationers go so far as to rent a local hotel room for the full experience. If that’s a little excessive for you, you can also purchase the kind of personal services hotels offer for your home. While you’re on your staycation, hire a cleaning service. Get nice meals delivered. Take taxis or Ubers. This way you can enjoy hotel-quality treatment without the steep hotel markup.

The ideal staycation involves a pretty simple goal: it’s about creating luxury out of what is familiar to you. Often, staycationers find an additional benefit to kicking back this way: without all the unknowns of a new place, planning a staycation is easy. If you want to make it even easier, use TalkLocal to get connected to cleaners, taxis, massage therapists, and other service professionals who can help you create your dream getaway in your own town.


Precious Milliseconds: A Primer on Website Speed Optimization

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

shutterstock_189399701We’ve all done it before: you click on a page, stare at a loading screen for a few seconds, get impatient, and then leave. In business website design, speed is king, and reducing your loading time is the key to boosting your conversion rate. Here’s a crash course in the basics of website speed optimization, listed for your convenience in order of complexity.

Easy Solutions

To optimize your website’s loading speed, you need a clear picture of the things that take up loading time. Fortunately, you don’t need a computer science degree to evaluate what needs fixing; this thing does nicely.

Another simple improvement suggested by business website experts is to turn off any plugins you aren’t using. That doesn’t mean all of your plugins; as we’ll see later, some can boost your loading speed. If you don’t handle the technical side of your website, ask your webmaster about trimming the fat.

Images take up a substantial chunk of loading time. Bigger = takes longer to load, so use the smallest images that fit the aesthetic of your site. Also, take advantage of the different kinds of image files. Low-detail images load faster as a .gif, while a slower-loading .jpeg or .png is better for more visually complex displays.

Intermediate Solutions

One plugin you do want to use is one that caches your webpages. Unless you make significant updates to your site several times a day, you can save a lot of loading time by showing visitors cached (quickly saved) versions of your pages rather than making their devices load them from scratch every time.

Redirects eat up loading time. While they’re useful for making changes while conserving search engine ranking, you must gauge whether doing so is worth the extra milliseconds that could bounce some traffic away.

Advanced Solutions

In many cases, HTTP requests take up the lion’s share of loading seconds. Compressing your data (i.e. storing more data in fewer files that must be requested) is a good move; if you use a web host you may need to talk to them about implementing this fix.

One mistake that slows down loading is putting JavaScript and CSS code right in your HTML document. To reduce file size, take full advantage of caching, and generally speed up your loading, save them externally.

It’s amazing how much of a difference a couple of seconds can make for your business site. Amazon found that every tenth of a second eliminated from loading time boosted their revenue by 1%.  From common-sense fixes to more sophisticated web developer hacks, hopefully a few of these ideas will subtract from your business site’s loading time— and add to your bottom line.



Mother’s Day Flowers: Choosing the Perfect Match For Mom

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

By: Shaquille Telford

Flowers as a Mother’s Day present are a time honored tradition not just because flowers are beautiful, but because they are meaningful. They’re a lot like mom herself in that way: she means the world to you. So, instead of buying the first bouquet you find at your local florist, it’s probably best to do some research to ensure that your choice reflects what your mom means to you. Lucky for you, we’ve done the research for you. We decided to call up a few florists, and do some of our own research to compile a list of flowers that would always be great for Mother’s day.

We have compiled a list of flowers to help you choose the best bouquet for your mother. Keep in mind, there is usually some type of meaning behind each flower, so it’s best to match your mother’s traits with the traits of different flowers.

Without further ado, here are the most popular mother’s day flowers and the meaning behind each:

1.       Roses (specifically red roses)

Signifies deep emotions like love. According to one florist I talked to, red roses are the most popular flowers in bouquets for Mother’s Day (and probably every time of year). Literally every company I called had a bunch of roses in their most popular bouquets.

2.       Tulips (multi-colored)

Symbolizes a declaration of love. Most of the florists recommended tulips, but specifically tulips in a variety of colors.

3.       Lilies

Symbolizes purity and refined beauty.

4.       Carnations

Symbolizes pride and beauty.

5.       Daisies

Symbolizes innocence, purity, and loyal love.

6.       Sunflowers

Symbolizes pure thoughts, adoration, and dedication.

7.       Asters

Symbolizes patience, love, elegance, and daintiness.

8.       Irises

Symbolizes eloquence.

After all this, if you still don’t know which flowers to choose, just get some roses. They never fail! And, be sure to visit TalkLocal to get in touch with your local florist, and get your mom that perfect flower for Mother’s Day.


How to Fix a Kicked In Door

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015


If you’re reading this, your door is kicked in, so either you or one of your friends has some serious anger management issues. We’ll teach you how to fix a kicked in door just this once, but as a preventative measure I’d probably head to your nearest therapist’s office…

1.     Break in the seam between the door jam and the trim

2.     Remove the strike plate

3.     Pull out the piece from the wall

4.     Remove excess wood and sand over the area

5.     Apply wood epoxy into the cracks

6.     Hold together the area using screws in the door jam

7.     Wipe off extra epoxy and after the area is dry, sand it down again

8.     Screw your new strike plate into place

9.     Nail the trim back into place

10.   Test the door!

Or if you’re not in the mood to fix your kicked in door by yourself, let TalkLocal call a professional and have this fixed for you!

Keeping It Real: Four Ways to Avoid Dishonest Marketing

Sunday, May 3rd, 2015


By Manpreet Singh

Integrity is crucial to a successful business, and nowadays too many companies show little integrity in their marketing approach. From lost revenue to legal action, there are a multitude of reasons why dishonest marketing isn’t worth its hidden costs and risks. Below are four easy ways to ensure that your sales approach stays truthful.

Say/Don’t Say Sheets

The simplest way to promote sales ethics is to print something out about it. At TalkLocal, we ensure our sales team’s honesty by issuing them lists of possibly misleading statements they shouldn’t use, and more clearly-worded alternatives that won’t misinform customers. For example, our sheets warn against saying “We have so many requests in this area for your business to serve!” and instead suggest saying “We are expanding in your area and getting more requests.”


Employee monitoring is a surefire way to catch marketing dishonesty early, but too much of it can create bitterness and distrust. On a surveillance scale from 1 to the NSA, your goal is no more than a 5. If recording calls is too heavy-handed (or expensive) for your sales team, keeping a supervisor within earshot generally suffices; we’ve implemented this easy solution without any problems.


Your salespeople are more likely to stick to the truth if you talk to them about it. Spending a few minutes of a meeting discussing sales ethics can make a real difference in preventing deceptive practices. What’s more, promoting a culture of morality in your business can boost employee pride and, therefore, performance.There’s a one-letter difference between “morale” and “moral.”

Accepting the Negatives

No matter your industry, your customers value honesty; they can also usually tell when they’re being given a run-around. Encouraging your salespeople not to verbally dodge the downsides of your business or market builds trust with those customers. If done right, it can also keep the conversation going. As I drafted this article, I overheard one of our team members commiserating with a customer about the weak demand for landscapers during DC’s snowy winter. Within a few seconds, he’d shifted the conversation to the customer’s side job as a home contractor. He ended up making the sale.

Fighting dishonesty in your marketing and sales process doesn’t have to be difficult. A few simple safeguards can keep your approach truthful while providing your business with side benefits like happier employees and better quality control. Do for your business what you do in life – just keep it real.

How to Install Drivers for Windows 8

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

How to Install Windows 8 Drivers

We’ve all been there; your old computer just wasn’t cutting it and you’ve decided to upgrade to a new laptop, tablet, or some sick hybrid of both with Windows 8 installed. The only problem is you’re having trouble installing drivers and it’s keeping you from completing work. Don’t worry, TalkLocal is here to show you how to install drivers for Windows 8.

Go to the manufacturer’s website

The manufacturer’s website URL is probably stamped on the box of your new device. If this isn’t the case, a quick search of the manufacturer’s name on google should provide the website. Once on the site, look for the customer service, downloads, or support area. Enter in the make and model of your device and the website should provide a driver. If there is no Windows 8 driver listed on the website, try a Windows 7 or XP driver.

Examine the driver

Right-click the start button and choose Device Manager from the pop-up menu. The manager should appear and list every part attached to your computer. Problematic devices should have a yellow exclamation point next to them. Click on your problem-device and proceed to click the “action” from the Device Managers menu bar and choose “add legacy hardware” from your drop down menu.

Install your new driver

The Add Hardware wizard should guide you through the steps of installing your new driver. However, this can require some computer skills to complete. If you’re stuck at this point, help could be just a call away! Use TalkLocal to find a skilled professional who can help you with your Windows 8 driver installation problems.

Good Vibes for Good Staff: On Workplace Positivity

Sunday, April 26th, 2015

By Manpreet Singh


“Positive work environment” is a common phrase with a lot of wordy business definitions. In short, it describes a workplace where employees feel motivated and appreciated. Having this kind of culture is an essential part of any healthy business, so here are a few points on why workplace positivity matters and how you can  create it.

Why to be positive

Workplace positivity boosts your bottom line. It’s correlated with higher productivity, easier recruitment, and much lower employee turnover.  Workplace negativity, on the other hand, has bad consequences of its own, being linked to depression, insomnia, and anxiety in employees, all of which hurt performance as well as the lives of your employees.

Employees in a positive environment also rebound from setbacks faster. In 2005, researchers Isen and Reeve wrote that positivity  gives employees the motivation needed to complete a task. In other words, happy workers get stuff done, even when things are tough.

How to be positive

Another benefit of workplace positivity is that it’s easy. One of its biggest components is your relationship with your employees. Demonstrate trust in them by taking  what they say seriously, and by strategically delegating important tasks to them. To do this, all you need to do is have meaningful conversations with your workers. This will make them feel more engaged and important.

The way you communicate also matters. In a positive workplace, a boss isn’t just an overseer; they ask for (and use) ideas and feedback from the whole team. You’re their leader, but everyone wins when you give your employees a say every now and then.

Positivity also means fun, a staple of any healthy business. Enjoyable rituals in the workplace get employees excited to come in. At TalkLocal, we reward hard work with great break-time options, including a video game corner and a snack bar that overflows with junk food on staff birthdays.

To run the best company you can, you need positivity; research repeatedly shows that having the right environment is almost as important as having the right equipment. Fortunately, creating the good vibes that will propel your company forward is pretty simple. Just respect your employees and make sure they’re happy to work for you, and you will find them going above and beyond your expectations.