We’re honored to be recognized as an innovative startup by MeetAdvisors. But, of course we want to win. And to do that, we’ll need your votes!
If you’ve been following and participating in our monthly Featured Business of the Month get-out-the-vote efforts, then you know how much we love celebrating excellent small businesses in the most democratic way possible.
So, before voting for your favorite local small business, go to the MeetAdvisors’ finalist list and click the thumbs-up next to TalkLocal, your favorite conversation driven local search platform.
We know we’re your favorite one because we’re the only one!
So, go ahead, celebrate innovation! Celebrate democracy! Your vote counts and we count on your vote! So, go vote TalkLocal!
You’re one month into the New Year and life is hectic. You may be having trouble keeping your New Year’s Resolution. Even my humble resolution – to drink less soda – has been a struggle. The caffeine withdrawal alone has been enough to drive me batty, let alone the temptation everywhere. But, I’m proud to say that I haven’t drank more than two cans of soda a week all year! Is it just a coincidence, or had I single-handedly driven Pepsi to literally enter the milk business because their sales have been so low? Regardless, here are the five tricks that have worked for me so far. Maybe it can help with your resolutions, too!
Want It: You have to want it and want it hard and not for the people who say it would be good for you but because you feel it would make you a better you in some way. I want to limit soda intake because it’s been giving me too many migraines and migraines stink.
Tell Others: If you keep it all bottled up, no one expects you to keep the goal but you so tell others so they can keep any eye out for you, as well. I told my friends and now they stinkeye me each time I grab a soda. It’s annoying but understandable.
Be Reasonable: Don’t say you want to save billions and then kick yourself if it’s only millions. Start with a goal that’s realistic and then work your way higher after your success. This is why I’m not quitting soda cold turkey: I’d only lose my mind trying. Besides, one less won’t kill me.
Make a Plan: It’s always easier to get through life when you have a plan of what you’re doing and sure, plans can go awry but that doesn’t mean give up. It just means get ready for plan B. For lunch, I will pack a water bottle and those Crystal Light mixes. If I forget, I can go and get one of the Crystal Light mixes from the store and use the water from our water cooler.
Keep Trying: Hey, people are just people. They make mistakes and then they’ll want to quit and forget it but keep going until you reach that goal you want so you can set the bar even higher next time.
As George S. Patton once said, “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” Good luck on your continued effort to reach your goals, and may you feel the exhilaration of victory this and every year.
So, tell us: what were your 2015 resolutions? Post your answers here or on our Facebook page.
Whether yours is a logical preparation or a bizarre superstition, it can really make a difference in your lead follow-up performance. If it makes you feel more confident and at ease, even having lucky penny or a square from your baby blanky can mean the difference between nailing the sales pitch and closing the deal on the one hand, and fumbling over your words on the other. So, whether your ritual involves rehearsing your key selling points or doing push-ups, such activities tend to perform one of two important functions:
Boosts your confidence in yourself
Boosts other people’s confidence in you.
To boost your own confidence: Get In The Zone
Psychological preparation wards away anxiety and gives you a good attitude, increasing your sales competence. In sports, the link between mental exercises and performance is well-documented, and it holds in sales as well. Here are some common tricks to boost your own confidence:
-Listening to music and dancing
-Bragging to yourself—reminding yourself of who you are and what you do
-Disregarding all distractions; meditating
-Completing a ritual routine: special meal, short recreational activity, superstition, etc.
To boost other people’s confidence in you: Get An Edge
External preparation improves the impression you make on other people, directly boosting your chances of success. Studies of musicians reveal that both guided rehearsal and cosmetic preparation have positive effects on high-stress performance, findings that are applicable whether you’re a violinist or a salesperson. Here are some common tricks that prepare you to give a great impression:
-Walking yourself through the call
-Coaching or being coached by a colleague
-Wearing your best clothes
-Making sure you have good posture and a genuine smile
Rituals of both types can be helpful right before a particularly important sales call, or at the beginning of your day. Either way, don’t be ashamed of your pump-up traditions, no matter how strange they may be. It’s only weird if it doesn’t work, and for whatever reason, it actually does!
So, tell us: What rituals work for you?
Comment below or join our Linkedin Group to be part of the discussion. Top responses will be included on an upcoming post!
All work and no play actually decreases productivity and innovation. That’s just one reason why Fun at Work Day is a thing to have and, on January 28th, a day to celebrate!.
So, in the spirit of Fun At Work Day, we asked a few of our employees what they enjoy most about working at TalkLocal. Take a read and see why TalkLocal is even more awesome than you think it is.
“I love coming into the office every day because it just has a great atmosphere. Not only are all the people friendly but I never knew how nice orange and blue look until I got here.” – Mitali
“I like working at TalkLocal because of the team chemistry. There’s never a dull moment in the office. We are always having fun, which allows us to take our work seriously. It’s a great environment and I love coming into work everyday.” – Greg
“Flexible working environment where you can take as much responsibility as you want for your effort. An atmosphere where people don’t take themselves seriously, but are able to get things done. The culture is empowering and inclusive. It’s not a shark tank where people are out for each other’s positions. Even if you fall short of your goals some days, there are people who are able to make you laugh while encouraging you to succeed.” – Courtney
“TalkLocal is an awesome opportunity to get involved with a local, growing tech start-up company. If you ever wanted to get your feet wet in start-ups, then TalkLocal is your place. You won’t be disappointed with our casual culture, superior service, and our wonderful people.” – John
Funny no one mentioned ping-pong, video games, snacks, or banging a gong to celebrate their successes. Of course, the best way to make work fun is the be passionate about it, right? So, make work fun the best way you can, from now until retirement!
In the College Park area and want to join in on the fun? Celebrate “Have Fun At Work Day” by visiting our sales job/internship open-house on January 28th at 4pm. Click here to RSVP.
Last month (or last year, whichever you prefer), TalkLocal began the process of searching for its first Featured Business of the Month. The finalists were named and the votes were tallied. Though all of these small businesses were great choices, there could be only one. Thanks to the support of its many loyal and happy customers, the TalkLocal Featured Business of the Month for January is… (drum roll).
Cheaper Than A Geek!
Congrats to Cheaper Than A Geek, its owner Christopher Barber and the small, but hardworking team that has helped it run so fluidly during its fifteen years of service.
Cheaper Than A Geek is located in Crofton, MD and assists people in the area with all of their computer needs. Whether your computer’s going at a snail’s pace because of annoying viruses or it’s stopped running and you don’t know why, whether PC or Mac, Cheaper Than A Geek is ready to get that computer working back to full capacity.
CTAG has already won more customer service awards than any other IT company in Maryland. Its “customer service oriented approach”, as Barber says, is clearly working for them as TalkLocal received an out-pour of customer testimonials which all stated just how great CTAG is and why it deserves to win.
So, here’s another title to add to your website, Cheaper Than A Geek. Congratulations!
Of course, this is only the first award of the year. So, who is your favorite local services provider? Vote for your favorite or nominate your own business by clicking here.
Being a local service provider can feel like a thankless, often dirty, job. Our plumbers, mechanics, dentists, HVAC pros and others deal with the challenges we can’t handle. And the best of them do it with a sense of calm and candor that inspires our trust.
TalkLocal would be nothing without the millions of local professionals across the country who pick up the phone and deliver excellent service to our users. That’s why we’re launching the Business of the Month award to honor the small businesses we love and trust.
Sharing the story of a great business not only inspires others to dream big and work hard, it’s also free advertising for a business who deserves it. The featured business will be profiled on our consumer newsletter, social media, and a press release distributed to media outlets in their region.
Already, our users have nominated their favorite local businesses from across the country. Every month this year, those businesses will have a shot at getting the recognition they deserve. But, in order to win, they’ll need your votes.
Click here to cast your vote or submit a new nominee for future contests!
This Month’s Finalists Are:
– 24/7 Handymen in Reading, PA
– Air Climate Solutions, Inc in Duarte, CA
– Atlantic Air in Jackson, NJ
– Barton’s Tree Care, LLC in Crofton, MD
– Bijan Air Conditioning & Heating in Chandler, AZ
– Cheaper Than A Geek!!! in Crofton, MD
– Grace Aire in Phoenix, AZ
– Kingdon A/C, Inc in Burleson, TX
– Martin’s Cooling & Heating, Inc in Naples, FL
– McKenzie Handyman Home Renovations in Atlanta, GA
– Perfect Temp Heating & Cooling, LLC in Alexandria, VA
– SOS Drug in Springville, UT
Our first winner will be announced on January 25th! Vote now!
The TalkLocal team is back from the long holiday weekend with their bellies full of great food and their hearts filled with the great times they’ve shared with family during Thanksgiving.
There’s been lots of storytelling, cellphone picture shows and laughter as we share our favorite moments from when we celebrated Thanksgiving.
Here’s what some of our team members said about what they did this Thanksgiving.
Some of us…
… gave back
“My friend is abroad and wasn’t here for Thanksgiving so I sent her a message with good wishes and asked what she wanted for the holidays (and her birthday, the little Christmas baby). She said that she wanted me to donate money for research on ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). I knew how important it was for her so I donated a bit early for it to be considered a Christmas present but it’s okay because I still plan to give her an awesome birthday gift.”
…enjoyed a “This is Thanksgiving?” Dinner:
“Thanksgiving is about great food and family. So, rather than slave in a hot kitchen all day and dirty our finest china, we had reservations at a Brazilian Steakhouse called Chima. All of the food was done to perfection and we didn’t have to worry about Grandma catching her death trying to please the whole family. Next year, if you want a simple way to make Thanksgiving special, I highly recommend the Chima Thanksgiving Special.”
…traveled pretty far.
“My family and I went to NY to see my cousin and her husband (who just got to the US from India). Their home was so neat and tidy and I was terrified my little brother would make a mess of everything. I won’t lie; my little brother ran the show. Ferry rides, cab rides, the Lego store, and tons of other expensive things. But, my brother was happy and we all had fun. That’s what Thanksgiving’s about, right?”
… cooked a lot.
“I’ve earned a reputation as a bad cook. So, when my sister told everyone about my Sweet Potato Casserole, four different households demanded proof. And each wanted the proof on their separate tables for Thanksgiving. Preparing so many batches was a challenge for an amatuer cook like me, but each host said the dish was gone within the hour.”
… went on a Thanksgiving tour.
“It’s sort of a gift and curse, but I never have to choose which side of my family I’ll spend Thanksgiving with. I do it all. My family in York, PA have Thanksgiving around noon while my family in Baltimore, MD are barely ready by 6pm. So, it was a long day and a 2 hour drive, but I got to spend quality time with both.”
As you can see, we each had our own special Thanksgiving holiday and want to know how you celebrated your Thanksgiving break. Be sure to share your moments, even if it was nothing more than enjoying the fact that you could finally sleep until ten.
Movember has been in full swing for weeks now. So, lots of men across the country have gone weeks without shaving or – in accordance to strict observance of Movember Law – are growing and grooming impressive moustaches and beards. If they’re lucky, they’ve got a pretty full bushel of hair on their faces. Of course, with great growth comes great responsibility and manscaping may be increasingly challenging by now.
So, to help novice man manes reach their full potential, we’ve turned to TalkLocal founder and famed beard pioneer Aman Bakshi for his top manscaping tips.
Q: So Aman, your beard always looks so amazing. Anyone who has seen your beard has the same question: what do you do to maintain its shine and luster?
A: Are you serious?
Q: Yes, the inquiring public needs to know how to achieve your glorious man mane!
A: Find a good beard oil or hair product. I use a combination of Bed Hair hair spray and Got2B Glue hair gel then use a hair dryer to get it dried quickly.
Q: Should people brush their beard a certain number of times every night or something?
A: Of course not.
Q: When should people start growing their beards if they want to achieve their best length?
A: At puberty.
Q: Oh… Last question! Beards tend to say a lot about a man, indicating he’s rugged, wise or Santa. What do you think your beard says about you?
A: It says I’m not afraid to be myself.
There you have it, folks. Aman Bakshi, facial hair hero. Apply these tips and you too can have a beard that’s shiny, luxurious, and smells of mahogany and burned cedar wood just like his!
The Centennial State of Colorado is well-known for its beautiful scenery, especially the picturesque mountains that always leave people breathless. Whether you’re a Colorado native or a visitor to one of the state’s biggest attractions, like Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs or the Denver Botanical Gardens, you know there’s already much to love about Colorado.
Now, TalkLocal is launching in Colorado to connect consumers to local professionals.
TalkLocal is a virtual concierge service that connects consumers with professional handymen, landscapers, accountants, etc. in 90 seconds.
Colorado is home to the United States Olympic Sports Committee, so it’s obviously a city where everyone strives to be their very best whether they’re an Olympic skier or a local plumber. And, when it comes to business acumen: it’s the home of the addictive and delicious Chipotle headquarters. Need we say more?
“TalkLocal is only here to make this great state even greater,” said TalkLocal cofounder Gurpreet Singh.
So, if you want to connect with the right local pro without wasting time calling around, it takes just three simple steps:
2. Put in the information of the job you require (where, when, what)
3. Wait for one of three professionals to call you in 90 seconds to discuss the job
It’s just that easy. No hassle, no trouble, and best of all: it’s free to use.
So, while Colorado may have its ups-and-downs due to all of those gorgeous landscapes, TalkLocal will make these business connections as smooth as a freshly paved road.
Thanksgiving is a day known for a variety of things: parades, days off from school, and food…a lot of food. But what we really need to remember is that it’s supposed to be known for giving thanks. Thanksgiving is a day to remember that we may have experienced challenges with still more challenges to come, but that we are also fortunate in many ways. We’re fortunate, most importantly, to be surrounded by loved ones whom we count on to support us as we face life’s challenges.
Thanksgiving also reminds us of those who may be having an especially hard time sharing in the spirit of gratitude because they don’t have as much good fortune as others.
Now, how do we give the gift of gratitude to those who may not have much? We give them something to be thankful for!
Here are five ways that you can show thanks or give thanks this Thanksgiving.
Give: We don’t just mean money. You can give a neighborhood family a turkey for Thanksgiving or an army member a care package so they remember the holidays.
Volunteer: Whether it’s at an animal shelter, senior citizens home or a soup kitchen, everyone appreciates someone helping out when they need it.
Fundraise: There are different fundraisers going on all throughout the year. Find one that works for you and go participate. If you don’t see one, create your own.
Cook: If you’re not able to get to an outside location to help, that’s fine. Help out in your own home. If you don’t usually cook or clean on Thanksgiving, then here’s your way to thank the people closest to you.
We understand that life can be hectic, but we want you to remember that there’s a lot to be thankful for. Whether that’s your family, your home or the fact that you’re alive and well, always remember to give thanks.