Posts Tagged ‘greenery’


Houseplant Appreciation Day: What To Do When Talking Isn’t Working

Sunday, January 10th, 2016


You’re relaxing in your living room, enjoying the warmth of your heater. You give the room a quick once over and your eyes land on one of your houseplants. You water it, give it sunlight, even talk to it, yet it still looks listless and worse for wear. Why? Well, plants are finicky creatures that can’t tell you when something is bothering them. Luckily, today is Houseplant Appreciation Day and  you’re determined to diagnose the problem and solve it. After all, what better way to show your plants just how much you appreciate them? So, here are five things to consider when trying to perk up your plant.

1. Consider A Different Pot: As your plant continues to grow, it may be cramped in the pot you first bought it so it may be time to upsize. If you do, consider your plant’s next home. Maybe you want to switch to a nonporous ceramic pot to retain more moisture in the soil. If it needs a new pot, make sure that it has a way to drain so the roots don’t get waterlogged; saucers are a good way to hold the water your plant needs to drain out.

2. Improper Sun Exposure: Your plants may be in a place where they can get sunlight but make sure it’s the right amount. If your plants’ leaves are sickly and colorless then they’re getting too much light. If the leaves are turning yellow and new leaves are growing small, then they’re getting too little light. Take a look outside the window and take note of anything that may be enhancing or blocking the sunlight.

3. Improper Watering: Over-watering is one of the most common reasons plants end up dying. Is your plant wilting? Are the leaves turning yellow, even though you’ve been watering it? Then you should lower your watering schedule. Are you not watering as much and the leaves are browning and wrinkling? Then you’ll want to give it more water. You can also test by sticking your finger about an inch or two into the soil and seeing how wet it is, or you can purchase a moisture meter.

4. Washing Them: Have you been washing your plant’s leaves? You should. If you don’t, not only do they get all dusty and gross-looking, but the dirt makes the plant unable to photosynthesize at full capacity. To clean your plant’s leaves, use lukewarm water and a soft cloth for larger smooth leaves. For smaller leaves or leaves you don’t want to touch, you can use a spray bottle or sink sprayer.

5. Watch Out for Pests: Even inside plants can be attacked by bugs. So, when watering your plants, inspect their leaves closely for any pests or their eggs. You can detract these pests when you’re washing the leaves by using a soap-insecticide mixture with the water. If you see any concerns with a single plant, isolate that plant from others until the issue is resolved.

And while you’re watching out for all these things, your plants should be able to live nice and healthy. Just remember to get some help if you need it. Whether it’s help with how to properly take care of your plants or even buying another plant that will go great with them, just “leaf” it to TalkLocal. *ba-dum-tshh*