Social media is no longer just for socializing; businesses are now behind the times unless they have a presence. Among tech-savvy companies, everything from marketing to customer service is moving onto Twitter, Facebook and beyond. If your business needs to build a social media brand, follow these five steps.
Communicate with Customers on Twitter
Comcast may be notorious for their terrible call-center and service wait times, yet even they have a highly responsive Twitter-based troubleshooting staff. Why? Because leaving a Twitter user waiting carries the risk that their complaint could be retweeted and shared with hundreds or thousands of people. A business Twitter is crucial for managing your professional reputation through both customer services and promotional and branding efforts.
Create Full Profiles
Nothing says “halfhearted marketing attempt” like an incomplete social media profile. Besides, all that space for information is valuable; you can use it for contact info, self-promotion, or to add some depth to your social media presence by telling your business’s story.
Be Responsive
Building a social media presence is a time investment. People who interact with your media online expect you to respond to their concerns quickly; ignoring or forgetting about important comments, tweets or messages can damage your business’s reputation. Make sure you have someone keeping track of your profiles. Short on staff? Try Google Alerts.
Have a Cross-Platform Strategy
Being active on one site is a good start for social media presence. Being active on multiple sites is what sets successful brands apart. Twitter and Reddit, for example, have very different formats, uses and demographics. Make sure you have platform-appropriate content on multiple social media sites, but have a strategy for how it all fits together.
Be Prepared for Random Crises
The real-time, people-centered nature of social media makes it a bit chaotic sometimes. Read up on how to deal with social media fiascoes and have a plan in place. Odds are you will encounter a few overly-vocal critics on the road to social media brand visibility.
The big picture view: Having a professional social media presence is a powerful way to connect with customers in a way that’s beneficial for both you and them. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your presence strategically and tend it carefully, and you will have built yourself an invaluable marketing asset.