Posts Tagged ‘Repair or Replace a Water Line’


How to Tell When to Repair or Replace a Water Line

Friday, February 14th, 2014

How to Tell When to Repair or Replace a Water Line - Plumbers

Your home’s water line serves to give your household fresh water for drinking and all other important daily living tasks. Therefore, when there’s a problem with your water line, it’s something that must be addressed right away. Plumbing specialists are trained to quickly repair, replace water lines, or simply inspect the system for any signs of trouble without compromising the quality of their service.

As a homeowner, you can do your part in routinely checking for any sign of a problem in your system and then calling in a professional when you suspect or determine an issue. Here are the some of the telltale signs that you may need to repair or replace your water line:

1. Drop in water pressure

You will most likely notice this right away when the pressure in your water suddenly drops or, worse, you’ve completely lost your water supply. If the water line is leaking significantly, water pressure will naturally drop until the flow of water reduces to a trickle or slow drip. When this happens, it will take longer for toilets to refill and sinks will have very little flow of water. You can also expect that taking a shower can be quite frustrating in this situation.

2. Increase in water bill

Despite your household actually using less water than before, you will notice your monthly water bill is going up. Until you find and fix the leak, water will keep on flowing out of the pipe but not into your home, which is a waste of money and resources, because you still have to pay the utility company.

3. Changes in your yard

With the water line leaking from below the ground, you may notice some unusual conditions in your yard. For instance, water may collect in one specific area even when there’s no evident water source like rain or sprinklers in use. In addition, the shrubs and grass directly within this watered area may be healthier or not than normal. You might also notice the earth itself may have risen up a little as it gets soaked with water from below and expands.

Hire a Qualified Plumber

Knowing how to tell whether you need a professional to repair or replace a water line in your home is the first step to dealing with the problem. After this, the best thing to do is to hire a qualified local plumber who has the experience and knowledge in handling water main leaks or breaks. Seva Call is your quick connection to service professionals in your area. Contact us now and use our free service!