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Recent Requests
I have some major pain. I have a broken tooth and need to see a dentist asap. No dental insurance, will pay for it my self. Please help.
Cantonment, Florida 32533
My top teeth on the left side of my mouth (3 of them) are starting to come out. They are breaking off. Your on disability right now. I have one quote for $3,000. I cannot afford to pay one time, I am looking for a payment plan.
Pensacola, Florida 32526
I need to speak with a dentist to for tooth extraction. I will be paying out of pocket.
Pensacola, Florida 32506
I need a 24 hour dentist office. I have Delta Dental Insurance.
Pensacola, Florida 32526
I need help finding a dentist for my grand daughter for exam, x-ray and cleaning. I will be paying out of pocket. How much?