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in New York, NY

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Local Computer Repair Professionals

68-11 Exeter

Forest Hills, NY 11375

Services: computer repair, computer tune-up, ,...

4147 Park Ave

Bronx, NY 10457

Services: data recovery, data transfer, ,...

111 John Street Rm 630

New York, NY 10038

Services: hardware installation, hardware repair, ,...

135 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Services: printer setup, printer troubleshooting, ,...

135 Division C

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Services: technology consultation, virus removal, ,...

New York, NY

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(please select the service you need below)

Hardware Repair/Install
Software Installation
Virus Removal

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I have an H P Laptop and I want to make it run faster because it is slow
New York, New York 10031



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i have an h p laptop that has a cracked screen and would like to get it replaced The screen is not physically cracked but when I turn the laptop on I can see a crack
New York, New York 10016



I need a computer repair my usb ports are not workingalong with my drivers i have a Hp pavilion
New York, New York 10002



I need a computer repair technician because my acer laptop crashed and microsoft sent me windows 7 disk and when I try to install it it goes to a black screen I am currently in morning side heights in new york city
New York, New York 10027



I need a computer repair technician because my computer only works in safe mode When i try to do a system restore it crashes It is not booting normally
New York, New York 10022



I need a computer repair technician who speaks Spanish Necesita uno que habla espanol I need to make computer faster
New York, New York 10029



I need a computer technician for Computer TuneUp I have an XP Laptop
New York, New York 10033


