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in Laurel, MD

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Ceiling Fan Install
Repair/Replace Wiring
Switches and Outlets
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Local Electricians Professionals

8301 Ashford Blvd

Laurel, MD 20707

Services: 220 Conversions - Dryers, etc., 220/480 - Commercial/Indus., ,...

2105 Prichard Rd

Silver Spring, MD 20902

Services: Alterations - Handicapped Res., Aluminum/Copper Wiring, ,...

6604 23rd Place

Hyattsville, MD 20782

Services: Automatic Circuit Breaker Panels, Boxes/Circuit Breakers/Fuses, ,...

410 Pershing Dr

Silver Spring, MD 20901

Services: Bucket/Pole Truck Service, Building & Remodeling Svc (Details), ,...

2811 philmont ave

Huntington Valley 19006, PA 21043

Services: Ceiling/Attic/Exhaust Fans Installed, Central Communication Systems., ,...

Laurel, MD

Verified Businesses 5

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(please select the service you need below)

Ceiling Fan Install
Repair/Replace Wiring
Switches and Outlets

Recent Requests

Hi i recently had direct tv install earlier today I was washing dishes and went to turn on the garbage disposal And the lights went off in the kitchen my sons room that behind the kitchen wall and my bathroom lights are just flickering I went to the circuit box to try to reset and nothing is happening Also my tv keeps going in and out as well Please can you advise me what to do
Laurel, Maryland 20707



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I need to set up an estimate to fix the outlets and the light fixtures around the house
Laurel, Maryland 20724



Looking for an electrician to get some wiring repaired or replaced in our home
Laurel, Maryland 20724



Need an electrician to fix my dining room chandelier
Laurel, Maryland 20723


