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Find Junk Hauling Pros
in Alexandria, VA

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Local Garbage Removal Professionals

332 Laverne Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22305

Services: Battery recycling, Bulk waste pickup, ,...

201 Cambridge Road

Alexandria, VA 22301

Services: Compactor monitoring, Construction debris recycling & disposal, ,...

+1 703-533-0094

Falls Church, VA 22042

Services: Document, record, and product destruction services, Dumpsters, ,...

PO Box 11653

Alexandria, VA 22312

Services: Fluorescent bulb recycling, Food and organic waste pickup, ,...

415 East Del Ray Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22301

Services: Mail-in medical waste disposal, Medical waste collection, ,...

Alexandria, VA

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(please select the service you need below)

Old Appliance Removal
Old Furniture Removal
Old TV Removal

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I need to find a junk removal company for daily trash removal services in a parking lot of an outdoor strip mall The work I need can also include other commercial properties a few days a week Please tell me if you can help me Thank you
Alexandria, Virginia 22301



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Trash removal 6 large bags Sevetal boxes Small chairs 6 foot wood column Total weight of all items apriximately 500 lbs large pickup truck sufficient
Alexandria, Virginia 22308


