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in Long Island City, NY

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Drywall Repair/Replace
Minor Repairs
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Local Handyman Professionals

750 East 163rd St

New York, NY 10001

Services: Carpentry, Ceiling repair, ,...

3236 Walnut Street

Harrisburg, PA 10031

Services: Concrete work, Countertops, ,...

111 Washington St

New York, NY 10006

Services: Decks, Door installation, ,...

140 De Kruis Place Apt 12 J

Bronx, NY 10475

Services: Drain cleaning, Dryer repair, ,...

952 Albus St.

Bronx, NY 10459

Services: Dryer vent installation, Drywall Installation, ,...

Long Island City

Verified Businesses 5

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Drywall Repair/Replace
Minor Repairs

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I need a Contractor or Handyman looking to set up an appointment with my television hang on the wall and a couple of shelves needs to be installed I need someone to check it
Long Island City, New York 11109



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I need a handyman who can install 2 curtain rods in my living room
Long Island City, New York 11109



Looking for a handyman to get some assembly done or installation done in our home
Long Island City, New York 11101


