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in Frederick, MD

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Featured Heating And Cooling Professionals

Daves Mechanical Services LLC

10115 Old Liberty Rd

Frederick, MD 21701

Most recent request: I bought a home recently. One of the heat pumps has an issue. The air handler may also need to replaced. How much would be to change the outside unit, when can you come out?

Local Heating And Cooling Professionals

5744 Morland Drive South

Adamstown, MD 21710

Services: Check Up Service / Air Conditioning Tune Up, Check Up Service / Boiler Tune Up, ,...

15501 Comus Road

Clarksburg, MD 20871

Services: Check Up Service / Heat Pump Tune Up, Chiller Repairs/Add-on Systems, ,...

Frederick, MD 21701

Services: Compressors/Compressors Rebuilt, Conversion gas to electric, ,...

3 King Avenue

Frederick, MD 21701

Services: Duct Work Design / Digital Thermostats, Gas Conversion oil to gas, ,...

Frederick, MD

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Repair A/C or Heating
Replace A/C System
Replace Heating System

Recent Requests

I need a heating and air conditioning company who can set up an estimate to replace my gas furnace and air conditioning unit This is for a single family home I am open to different brands
Frederick, Maryland 21702



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I need a heating and cooling service for an estimate to convert Oil to gas boiler The house is 4000 square feet
Frederick, Maryland 21701



I need a heating and cooling specialist to take a look at my upstairs unit and give me an estimate on replacing or repairing it
Frederick, Maryland 21703



I need a heating and cooling technician to get an estimate on replacing my electric air conditioning system and replace it with a natural gas air conditioning system My home is 2500 to 3000 square feet
Frederick, Maryland 21703



I need a heating and cooling technician to replace my 20 year old heater I am looking for a Linux electric heater My home is about 600 to 700 square feet
Frederick, Maryland 21701



I need estimates on installing an A C unit in a 3 bedroom rambler
Frederick, Maryland 21702



I need to schedule an appointment for an estimate on getting an electric boiler put in we currently have oil and want to convert We just bought the home The air conditioning is electric right now
Frederick, Maryland 21701



I need to schedule an appointment for an estimate to either repair or replace my Air Conditioning unit Its not working at all I need someone to come and check
Frederick, Maryland 21702



I need to schedule an appointment for an estimate to replacing 2 heat pump units and 2 furnaces for my home The main floor and basement uses a heat pump with gas furnace The upstairs unit uses electric heat pump
Frederick, Maryland 21702



I need to set up a pricing to replace a gas furnace for a 1360 square foot condo with 2 bedroomI am open to different brands
Frederick, Maryland 21701



I need to setup an estimate to replace 2 unit in my house 1 is a 2 ton heat pump and the other is a 25 gas furnace Open to a different brands
Frederick, Maryland 21702



Looking for a heating a cooling technician who can replace our gas furnace Open to any brand
Frederick, Maryland 21703



Looking for a heating and cooling technician on getting our oil boiler replaced with either a new oil fired boiler or gas fired boiler
Frederick, Maryland 21701



looking for a heating and cooling technician to replace my oil furnace to a propane furnace
Frederick, Maryland 21701



Looking for a heating and cooling technician to schedule a repair service call to repair my unit Need to locate and repair freon leak
Frederick, Maryland 21702



looking for a heating and cooling to schedule an appointment on replacing our gas boiler for our home
Frederick, Maryland 21701



Looking for heating and cooling technician to schedule an appointment on replacing my heat pump unit and heating system in our condo The condo is 950 square feet and the air conditioning is not working The outside unit is on the ground
Frederick, Maryland 21701



Need to get an estimate on replacing our current gas furnace which is on its last leg and is working intermittently I am looking for a Lennox signature series variable speed series 90000 B T U 80 percent efficiency unit The model number is SL280UH090V36B
Frederick, Maryland 21702



Need to get an estimate on replacing our heat pump system Need a system that qualifies for Potomac Edison electric rebate Current unit is under auxiliary heat so needs to be replaced
Frederick, Maryland 21704



We have a boiler system and convector looking to switch to heat pumps I think I need two of them
Frederick, Maryland 21701


