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in Baltimore, MD

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Local Lawyers - Family Professionals

100 Light Street Suite 1100

Baltimore, MD 21202

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7419 Baltimore Annapolis

Glen Burnie, MD 21061

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200 E Lexington St Lower Suite

Baltimore, MD 21202

Services: ,...

120 East Baltimore Street Suite 1700

Baltimore, MD 21202

Services: ,...

One South Street 27th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21202

Services: ,...

Baltimore, MD

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Child Custody
Child Support
Filing Divorce

Recent Requests

I need a divorce attorney in Baltimore City County that can also help me with Child Custody and Domestic Violence Issues
Baltimore, Maryland 21231



I need help with a case involving a wrongful eviction notice for public housing
Baltimore, Maryland 21201



Looking for a divorce or family lawyer I have a divorcealternative settlement case from 2001 which has been reopened My ex is seeking child support arrears and additional future compensation I have filed the Certificate of Service on 71115 requesting an extension of 10 days I may file the motion to defend this week The hearing is scheduled for 8242015 in Howard County Circuit Court I would be grateful for your counsel
Baltimore, Maryland 21201