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Find Family Lawyers
in Falls Church, VA

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Child Custody
Child Support
Filing Divorce
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Local Lawyers - Family Professionals

1810 Michael Faraday Drive First Floor

Reston, VA 20190

Services: Adoption/Guardianship, Asbestos/Lead/Fires/Explosions, ,...

8221 Old Courthouse Road Suite 101

Vienna, VA 22182

Services: Cases - Abuse/Harassment, Civil Rights/Immigration Law, ,...

8605 Cameron Street Suite M-3

Silver Spring, MD 20910

Services: Computer-Related Cases, Contracts/Legal Documents, ,...

1950 Old Gallows Road

Vienna, VA 22182

Services: Criminal Cases – Drugs, Juvenile, Weapons, Theft, Assault, Robbery, etc., Custody & Support/Paternity, ,...

6830 Elm St

Mc Lean, VA 22101

Services: DETAILED NARRATIVE EXPLAIN, Discrimination - Job, Age, Sex, ,...

Falls Church, VA

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(please select the service you need below)

Child Custody
Child Support
Filing Divorce

Recent Requests

We are nonUS citizens but US residents that had a child US citizens by birth and will like to draw up a will that lays out who would be guardian for our child if something happens to us We would like the guardians to be our childs grandparents who reside in Germany Since they are nonUS citizens we are concerned if they will get custody of the child if something was to happen to us
Falls Church, Virginia 22043



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