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Find Locksmiths
in New York, NY

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Locked out of car
Make New/Duplicate Key
Replace/Repair Home Lock
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Local Locksmiths Professionals

4801 Medalia St

Brooklyn, NY 11234

Services: Access Control Systems / Keyless Entry, Alarm Systems - Fire/Smoke/Burglar, ,...

401 Park Ave. South

New York, NY 10016

Services: Auto Transponder Keys (1995 Up), Auto Trunk-Out/Club Removal Life, ,...

436 Main Street

Hackensack, NJ 07601

Services: Burglar Bars/Burglary Repairs, Central Monitoring Systems, ,...

765 Forest Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10310

Services: Closed Circuit TV Units & Systems, Combination/Cypher Locks, ,...

140 West 14th Street

New York, NY 10011

Services: Commercial/Residential Doors & Frames, Computer Chip Keys / PASS/VATS Keys, ,...

New York, NY

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(please select the service you need below)

Locked out of car
Make New/Duplicate Key
Replace/Repair Home Lock

Recent Requests

I need a locksmith to get a key made for my 2007 dodge caliber I have a backup key for it right now
New York, New York 10026



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I need a locksmith to make a duplicate key for a Mercedes m l 320 I already have one key and want to make a copy of it
New York, New York 10102



I need a locksmith who can open up a brinks home security safe I have the key but the key does not work and there is a key pad that I forgot the combination too The location is in the tribeca Manhattan area
New York, New York 10013



Need a locksmith to cut a Kryptonite D lock off of bike rack in Battery Park to free my bike
New York, New York 10282


