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in New York, NY

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Move-Out Cleaning
One Time Interior House Clea
Recurring Cleaning Service
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Local Maid Services Professionals

1010 E.Tremont Ave

Bronx, NY 10460

Services: Bathrooms cleaning, Cabinet cleaning, ,...

3405 Foster Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11210

Services: Commercial cleaning, Contracted cleaning, ,...

117 Fort Lee Rd

Leonia, NJ 07605

Services: Furniture treatment, Garage cleaning, ,...

New York, NY 10019

Services: Kitchen cleaning, Laundry services, ,...

529 62 street

Brooklyn, NY 11220

Services: Oven cleaning, Packing & Unpacking, ,...

New York, NY

Verified Businesses 5

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(please select the service you need below)

Move-Out Cleaning
One Time Interior House Clea
Recurring Cleaning Service

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I need a maid service or cleaning service to clean my apartment either later today or tomorrow morning Please help
New York, New York 10001



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