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in Madison Heights, MI

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Local Roofers Professionals

1119 Earl Blvd

Ferndale, MI 48220

Services: Asphalt Shingle Roof repair or replacement, Built-Up Flat Roofs / Steeple Jack Svc, ,...

5572 East 10 Mile

Royal Oak, MI 48067

Services: Chimney Leaks / Skylight Leaks, Chimney repairs, ,...

654 Flowerdale St

Ferndale, MI 48220

Services: Composition/Fireproof Shingles, Double Lock Roofing, ,...

23640 Wildwood St,

Oak Park, MI 48237

Services: Fiberglass Shingles, Flat Roof repair or replacement, ,...

11845 iana drive

Sterling Heights, MI 48312

Services: Hardi-Plank Siding, Hot Coats - Tar/Gravel, ,...

Madison Heights, MI

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Recent Requests

Need a roofing contractor to schedule an appointment for an estimate on both replacing the entire roof or getting the roof repaired There are 21 shingles that are missing Might also need to get some bricks replaced for the chimney that are broken and possibly roof redone over the porch
Madison Heights, Michigan 48071



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